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Soul Back Up Book: Body

Updated: Jul 7, 2021


Your body is great as soon as you love it. You know that. And there are times you don’t feel comfortable in your skin and that is ok too. There are always reasons for feelings. And sometimes you can’t change them in the moment but you can think of better times. Probably they are not even far away in the past and you can make them happen soon. You probably want to feel more skinny or tight, which means more sport and movement. And you can give that to yourself anytime soon. Do not overload yourself with exercise and start slow. Than its easier to continue the following days.

Listen to your body and eat the things you really want but also need. You know pretty early when you are actual satisfied. At the same time you want to be mobile and feel good after food, so don’t forget that and stop when you think you should stop.

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